Château Tanunda Grand Barossa Dry Riesling is Unknown

by Château Tanunda
Address: 9 Basedow Road (PO Box 316)
Tanunda, SA, 5352
Phone: 08 8563 3888
Fax: 08 8563 1422
Checked by: Danielle
Double checked by:
Added: about 11 years ago
Double Checked: about 9 years ago

Note: we're awaiting further information from the vineyard to follow up on Brittany's report below.

Brittany notes (September 2015):

"After opening and tasting a Sparkling Shiraz we had a look on the back and it said on the bottle "contains milk"

Company email (February 2014):
"Thank you for your enquiry – we are happy to say that all of our wines are classified as vegan/vegetarian friendly."

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