WEST hefeweizen is Vegan Friendly

by WEST - Brewery, Bar & Restaurant
Address: Building 4, Templeton Building
Glasgow Green, Glasgow, G40 1AW
Phone: +44 (0)141 550 0135
Fax: +44 (0)141 556 3397
Email: info@westbeer.com
URL: www.westbeer.com
Checked by: Dave
Double checked by:
Added: over 12 years ago

Company email (August 2012):
"I can confirm that all our lagers and wheat beers are brewed in accordance with the Reinheitsgebot, the German Purity Law of 1526, which means we only use 4 core ingredients in our brewing process, of water, yeast, barley and hops. Our lagers and wheatbeers are free from additives."

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