Spitting Feathers Old Wavertonian (casked) is Vegan Friendly

by Spitting Feathers
Address: Common Farm
Waverton, Chester, CH3 7QT
Phone: 01244 332052
Email: info@spittingfeathers.org
URL: http://www.spittingfeathers.org/
Checked by: Bones
Double checked by: Russell, Company
Added: over 12 years ago
Double Checked: over 3 years ago

Company email (January 2022)
"Many thanks for including our beers on your website. The beers you have listed for us are obsolete and most not brewed or bottled anymore. I’ve highlighted the ones below that are no longer brewed (with the exception of honey trap but that is not vegan friendly as its made with Honey!)

Others to add are

Brainstorm (casked, kegged and bottled)
Repetitive Strain Injury (casked, kegged, bottled)
Rush Hour (casked, kegged, bottled)
Session Beer (Casked)
Little Donker (casked and bottled)
Oddball (casked)
Mustnt Grumble (casked)
Victorian porter (casked)
Stiff upper lip (casked)"

Company website (sept 2021)
"New for 2021- all Spitting Feathers beers, whether in keg, cask or bottle, are vegan-friendly and gluten-free!"

Company email (July 2012):
"Yes this is still the case."

Company email (July 2011):
"Our cask ales tend to include isinglass. The bottled beers are not treated with isinglass. The only beer to contain animal products is our seasonal “Honey Trap” that includes honey from our own on-site beehives."

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