Distillerie Mariana is vegan friendly

Address: 531, Avenue Dalcourt (Québec)
Louiseville, Quebec, J5V 2Z7
Phone: 1 866 982-1704
Email: info@distilleriemariana.com
URL: https://distilleriemariana.com/
Checked by: Catherine
Double checked by:
Added: over 2 years ago

Products by Distillerie Mariana:

Company email (November 2022)
"Notre Gin Canopée est obligatoirement vegan et/ou végétalien car il s'agit d'une boisson alcoolisée provenant de la fermentation de céréales et de l'utilisation de chêne pour lui donner un goût forestier."

Catherine's Translation;
"Our Gin Canopée is obligatorily vegan because it is an alcoholic drink that comes from the fermentation of cereals and the use of oak to give it a forest taste."