Védrenne has some vegan options

Address: 6 Passage Montgolfier
21702 Nuits-Saint-Georges
Phone: +33 (0)3 80 62 48 10
Fax: +33 (0)3 80 61 02 64
Email: vedrenne@vedrenne.fr
URL: http://www.vedrenne.fr/
Checked by: Teleri
Double checked by: Simone
Added: over 7 years ago
Double Checked: over 3 years ago

Products by Védrenne:

Company email (November 2021) re: White Cocoa and Cherry Liqueur
"Our liqueurs are made with herbal products, alcohol and sugar but are not Certified Vegan."

Company email (November 2017)
"La liqueur de Paris convient aux végétaliens."
[Google translation: "La liqueur de Paris is suitable for vegans."]