Van Gogh Imports is vegan friendly

Address: 6520 Pinecastle Blvd
Orlando, FL, 32809
Phone: (888) 539-3361
Checked by: Patricia
Double checked by: AngelA, Sarah
Added: almost 16 years ago
Double Checked: over 11 years ago

Products by Van Gogh Imports:

Company email (August 2013):
"All of our Van Gogh Vodka Flavors would be considered Vegan Friendly. We do not use any dairy, honey, or animal products in the process of the making Van Gogh Vodkas.
Van Gogh Vodkas are distilled in the Netherlands, but we spoke with our Master Distiller, Tim Vos, for help on your question, and, like mentioned above, all our vodkas could be considered Vegan Friendly."

Company email:
We don’t use animal ingredients in our Vodka’s or Gin, not even in our processing or filtration process.