Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V. has some vegan options

Address: Paulus Potterstraat 14
1071 CZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)20 5708575
Fax: +31 (0)20 5708576
Checked by: Shane
Double checked by: Michael, Carrie
Added: about 9 years ago
Double Checked: over 6 years ago

Products by Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V.:

Company email (May 2018)
"All our Galliano products are Vegan friendly."

Company email (March 2017)
"As to our Bols Coconut and our Bols Creme de Cacao White and Brown; we can guarantee that these liqueurs do not contain any animal ingredients, nor have they been processed/filtered with an animal product."

Company email (November 2015)

"Almost all of our products are suitable for vegans, except for the following products: - Bols Yoghurt - Bols Honey - Bols Mojito - Bols Cherry Brandy - Bols Parfait Amour - Henkes Vieux - Advocaat"