Pernod Ricard USA, LLC has some vegan options

Address: Kentucky Artisan Distillery 6230 Old Lagrange Road
Crestwood, Kentucky, 40014
Checked by: Jordan
Double checked by: Chloé, Michele, Adaline, Bo, Mara
Added: almost 13 years ago
Double Checked: about 1 year ago

Products by Pernod Ricard USA, LLC:

Pernod Ricard is no longer a major funder of bullfighting:

Company email (December 2023) re: Jefferson's Bourbon
" We are pleased to inform you that our products are considered safe for a vegan diet."

Company email (May 2023)
"Redbreast Whiskey is suitable for a vegan diet. None of our co-packers use a processing system that would make the whiskey unsuitable for a vegan diet."

Company email (October 2022)
"Our Suze products are not certified vegan but are vegan-friendly. No animal by-products are used in the manufacturing process."

Company email (January 2018)
"...Pernod Ricard Winemakers may use milk, egg, and/or gelatine as processing aids during the winemaking process for some of its wines... Accordingly, some vegetarians/vegans may consider them unsuitable for consumption."

Company email (July 2017)
"Pour répondre à votre question, le Soho ne contient pas d’ingrédients d’origine animale, et aucun n’est utilisé dans sa fabrication."

[Google translation: "To answer your question, the Soho does not contain ingredients of animal origin, and none is used in its manufacture."]

Company email (May 2012):
"None of our wines are vegan…they are typically filtered and fined by egg whites or a gelatin."