Plymouth Gin is vegan friendly
Address: | Black Friars Distillery, Southside Street Plymouth, PL1 2LQ England |
Phone: | +44 (0)1752 665292 |
Fax: | +44 (0)1752 220 062 |
Email: | |
URL: | |
Checked by: | Molly |
Double checked by: | John |
Added: | about 13 years ago |
Double Checked: | almost 6 years ago |
Products by Plymouth Gin:
Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly
Company email (January 2019)
"The following gins in our portfolio are vegan... Plymouth Fruit Cup, Plymouth Gin, Plymouth Navy Gin, Plymouth Sloe Gin"
Company email (January 2012):
"Plymouth Gin is only made here in Plymouth, England. We do not use any animal products in the Distilling process. I do not fully understand the requirements to be considered a vegan friendly product, however, no animals or animal by product are used in the production of Plymouth Gin."