4 Pines Brewing Company has some vegan options

Address: 4F/9-13 Winbourne Road
Brookvale, New South Wales, 2100
Phone: 0448 294 905
Email: chris@4pinesbeer.com.au
URL: http://4pinesbeer.com.au/
Checked by: Steve
Double checked by: Shane, Peppino
Added: about 11 years ago
Double Checked: almost 2 years ago

Products by 4 Pines Brewing Company:

Company email (February 2023) re:wheat ale
"it sure is (vegan friendly)"

Company email (May 2017):
"I can confirm that all 4 Pines beers are vegan friendly with the exception of one ingredient. Every now and then we will use lactose (milk sugar) in a brew for styles such as milk stouts etc. Apart from that, our core range is definitely vegan friendly!"

Company email (January 2014):
"Here at 4 Pines, we essentially follow the beer purity laws and stick to the 4 key ingredients of malted barley, hops, water and yeast. The majority of our beers - certainly our entire core range of Kolsch, Pale Ale, Stout and Hefeweizen - can be safely classified as vegan. As can 4 Pines cider.

Having said this, at 4 Pines we release up to 40 beers a year. Every now and then we get a bit experimental with a small-batch seasonal product, and have been known to use a little bit of honey or lactose for their characteristic flavours. We do not use gelatin, egg or isenglass to clarify any of our beers."