Brasserie Cantillon Brouwerij is vegan friendly

Address: rue Gheude straat 56 1070 Bruxelles -
Phone: +0032+(0)2 521 49 28
Checked by: Eric
Double checked by: Patrick, Richard
Added: almost 15 years ago
Double Checked: over 3 years ago

Products by Brasserie Cantillon Brouwerij:

Company email (september 2021)
"Translated: No animal ingredients in our products."
"Geen dierlijke ingrediënten in onze producten."

Company email (September 2014):
"Onze bieren bevatten geen dierlijke producten van geen type. En alle bieren Cantillon zijn hier, en alléén in de brouwerij gebrouwen en gemaakt.

[Translation: Our beers do not contain animal products of any kind. Alle Cantillion beers are brewed and made here en here only in the brewery]"

Company Email:
"All our beers are produced with only Malted Barley and wheat, overaged hops, fresh fruits for the fruits beers and wild yeasts because we still and only work here with a spontaneous fermentation.
We do not add anything else and surely not animal products. "