Columbus Brewing Co is vegan friendly

Address: 2555 Harrison Road
Columbus, Ohio, 43204
Phone: 614-224-3626
Checked by: Kevin M
Double checked by: JD
Added: about 15 years ago
Double Checked: over 6 years ago

Products by Columbus Brewing Co:

Company email (July 2018)
"On few occasions we will brew a special beer using honey or lactose sugar, and it’s always disclosed on the packaging and in description. No, we do not use any animal products for processing or filtration. No, our beer is not manufactured or bottled anywhere else."

Company Email (circa 2010)
"At this time all of our beers are vegan friendly. In the past, we have used honey and will probably do so in the future. However, this is always plainly marked on the packaging so that the consumer is aware of the infecients. We do not you any isinglass or gelatins."