Alvarado Street Brewery has some vegan options

Address: 1315 Dayton Street Suite E
Salinas, California, 93901
Phone: 831-655-BEER
Checked by: Richard
Double checked by: Alecia
Added: over 6 years ago
Double Checked: about 6 years ago

Products by Alvarado Street Brewery:

Company email (March 2019)
"[Peninsula Pilsner is vegan]. The only beers of ours that aren't vegan are any that are brewed with milk sugar (which is specified on the package and/or beer description), and also our kettle sours - they are soured with dairy based probiotics."

Company email (October 2018)

"Very few of our beers contain lactose, and if so, we'll disclose that on the package. Current beers with lactose include our Milk Stout, and upcoming beers called Red, Ripe Strawberry, and Thunder in Paradise. We do not use animal products in fining. We do, however, use Icelandic Skyr to acidify kettle sour beers; any of our kettle sours would contain lactic acid bacteria derived from Skyr."