New Lion Brewery has some vegan options

Address: Station Road, Totnes
Devon, TQ9 5JR
Phone: 01803226277
Checked by: Jac
Double checked by: Phil
Added: over 6 years ago
Double Checked: over 4 years ago

Products by New Lion Brewery:

Company email (September 2020)

"All of our core range and White Label bottled and kegged beers are vegan.

"Some businesses (not all) do though ask for fined beer in casks. You will need to ask the individual pub if our beer in a cask is fined or not. Our preference is to always supply unfined but some pubs do insist so you should ask before buying.

"On the odd occasion we serve from the cask in our taproom it's always unfined making every NLB beer you drink here vegan."

Company email (June 2018)

"We still use finings when we send beer to pubs in traditional casks. We're on the way to change it and I hope to go finings-free soon. Every other form of packaging is 100% vegan. This includes:

* bottles
* kegs
* all beer served at our taproom
* all beer served at external events (markets, parties, weddings etc.)
* most of the beer sold directly to private customers (non-trade) unless they specifically ask to use finings (some still do although we always recommend to have unfined beer)"