Mad Cat Brewery has some vegan options

Address: Brogdale Farm, Brogdale Road
Faversham, Kent, ME13 8XU
Phone: 01795 597743
Checked by: Company
Double checked by: Company
Added: almost 7 years ago
Double Checked: over 5 years ago

Products by Mad Cat Brewery:

Company email (September 2019)
"I am happy to tell you that all of our bottled beers are suitable for vegans and are labelled as such. We are also in the process of switching our cask ales over to vegan-friendly finnings as well, but most remain unsuitable for vegans at present. We are still able to provide vegan-friendly cask ale on request, with sufficient notice."

Company email (May 2018)

"At present all of our beers are fined with isinglass, making them unsuitable for vegans, but I am currently working to rectify this and will update you when we have found a suitable alternative. In the meantime, we are able to provide unfined cask beer that is naturally hazy and suitable for vegans with sufficient notice."