D. G. Yuengling & Son is vegan friendly

Address: 310 Mill Creek Avenue
Pottsville, PA, 17901
Phone: (570) 622-4141
URL: http://www.yuengling.com/
Checked by: Shawn
Double checked by: doorsdoorsdoors, Heather, Erik, Matt, Stacey
Added: over 18 years ago
Double Checked: about 2 years ago

Products by D. G. Yuengling & Son:

Company email (February 2023):
"According to your Quality Assurance Submission, you would like to know if our products contain dairy/lactose. We do recommend seeking medical advice before consuming any food/beverage item that may cause an allergic reaction/food sensitivity. Yuengling products do not contain dairy, lactose, casein or soy ingredients."

Company email (March 2015):
"Thanks for reaching out. At this time no animal products are used in the production of our brews, and is considered vegan."

Company email (February 2015):
"To answer your first question, all of our beers are indeed vegan products. They do not contain any animal ingredients (such as milk, eggs, honey, etc.) All of our products are manufactured in either one of our two Pottsville, PA facilities or our Tampa, FL plant. They all use the same processing systems, which are suitable for vegans."

Note from Heather, February 2012:
"I emailed Yuengling brewery and asked if they were vegan because I saw on your site that they were not but saw on other sites that they were. A rep called me back within 24 hours (what great customer service!) and told me that their beers are vegan. I quizzed him to make sure and he said that they are."

[We're following up]

Company email (December 2011):

"We are not vegan – gluten free." [Ed. no idea why gluten free was mentioned or if they mean they are or aren't, the response was to the standard Barnivore question.]