Bitburger Braugruppe GmbH is vegan friendly

Address: Römermauer 3
54634 Bitburg
Phone: +49(0)6561-14-0
Checked by: Gustavo
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Added: almost 8 years ago

Products by Bitburger Braugruppe GmbH:

Company email (June 2017)

"We herewith confirm that Benediktiner wheatbeer is brewed according to the German Purity Law (Deutsches Reinheitsgebot). Therefore only malted barley, hops (not chemically treated) and water are allowed as ingredients. For fermentation a yeast is used. Clarification of the beer is carried out by using diatomaceous earth and silica gel, products excavated from surface mines. We do not use isinglass or other products coming from animals to classify our beers. Furthermore Benediktiner is only brewed in Germany."