Brewgooder is vegan friendly

Address: 1-3 St Colme Street
Edinburgh, EH3 6AA
Phone: +44 (0) 131 220 8206
Checked by: Charlotte
Double checked by: Company
Added: almost 8 years ago
Double Checked: over 4 years ago

Products by Brewgooder:

Company email (May 2020)

"I'm from Brewgooder, and we've got two new beers to add to Barnivore (which I regularly use!). We currently have our Clean Water Lager listed on your site, however I would like to add the following...

"Moyo Juice - Mango & Passion Fruit Pale Ale + Chilloozy - Session IPA

"Let me know if you need any further information on them but I can confirm that there are no animal products used / contained."

Charlotte notes (April 2017) that they've got the Vegan Society logo on the cans.