Calverley's Brewery is vegan friendly

Address: 23A Hooper Street
Cambridge, CB1 2NZ
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 312 370
Checked by: Todd
Double checked by: Phil
Added: over 8 years ago
Double Checked: about 3 years ago

Products by Calverley's Brewery:

Company email(November 2021)
"All of our beers are vegan. We don't use isinglass or any other animal based ingredients"

Company email (October 2016)
"Currently we always have multiple vegan friendly beers in in our tap room. We prefer our beers with a natural hop haze and no finings. A couple of the traditional styles best bitter and blonde have finings in as style wise it just wouldn't work." [Not much we can do here but list the non-vegan ones, but ask at the tap room and you should be OK...]