Long Man Brewery has some vegan options

Address: Church Farm
Litlington, East Sussex, BN26 5RA
Phone: 01323 871850
Email: info@longmanbrewery.com
URL: https://www.longmanbrewery.com/
Checked by: James
Double checked by: Mark, Company, Joe
Added: about 8 years ago
Double Checked: 18 days ago

Products by Long Man Brewery:

Company email (October 2024)
"We do use isinglass in all our cask beers apart from our Old Man, which means our mini casks are not suitable for vegetarians or vegans."

Company email (January 2023)
"All of our bottled, canned and keg beer is now vegan, our cask ales are still not at this time."

Company email (March 2017)
"Long Blonde, along with all our other beers, are not vegan-friendly as we do indeed use isinglass finings during production."

Company email (September 2016)
"We use isinglass finings to clarify our cask beer and so therefore they are not suitable for vegans or vegetarians... Unfortunately, same applies to our bottled beers."