Athenian Brewery is vegan friendly

Address: 102 Kifissou, P.O. Box 3383
Egaleo 122 41
Phone: +30 21 0538 4911
Checked by: Panos
Double checked by: Karen
Added: over 8 years ago
Double Checked: 9 months ago

Products by Athenian Brewery:

Company email (June 2024)
"In general all our beers follow vegan processes BUT we have not gone through official certification.

Our filtering process is by using Kieselguhr powder and has nothing to do with animal proteins.

Mamos Unfiltered has not even gone through this filtration."

Company email (September 2016)
"VIOS 5 beer does not contain the ingredients that you mentioned (milk, eggs, honey etc.). The filtering is performed using diatomaceous earth powder (residues of plant organisms, English name -Kieselgur). The VIOS 5 is a product produced exclusively in our factory in Patras, it is a strong innovation and is not produced anywhere else."