Cellarmaker Brewing Company has some vegan options

Address: 1150 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA, 94103
Phone: (415) 863-3940
Email: nfo@cellarmakerbrewing.com
URL: http://www.cellarmakerbrewing.com
Checked by: Kendy
Double checked by: Amanda
Added: almost 10 years ago
Double Checked: over 9 years ago

Products by Cellarmaker Brewing Company:

Company email (March 2015):
"Our beer is 100% vegan, unless otherwise and clearly stated. Our filtration process is silica based and contains no animal products."

Company email (February 2015):
"We make different beers all the time so I have no more information. Sorry. "

Company email (February 2015):
"Most Cellarmaker beers are vegan, we use a silica gel based fining agent to clarify. If we use any ingredients such as honey or lactose in a beer it is clearly stated on our menu. All beer is produced at one location under strict supervision. We do not manufacture any other products in iur space."