Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales has some vegan options

Address: 3115 Broad Street
Dexter, Michigan, 48130
Phone: (734) 426-4962
Checked by: Kevin
Double checked by: Michael, Rob, Al, Dominic
Added: almost 17 years ago
Double Checked: almost 6 years ago

Products by Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales:

Company email (April 2019)
"Jolly Pumpkin beers are also nearly all vegan and have no fining. The only beer we currently have out that wouldn’t be considered vegan would be Lo-Fi Mai Tai which has additions of honey."

Company email (September 2012):
"All of Jolly Pumpkin's beer are vegan."

Company email (March 2012):
"all of our Jolly Pumpkin beers are vegan... Our brewer at Jolly Pumpkin is vegan and would be likely be interested in seeing your directory..."

From Kevin:

I emailed their head brewer (Ron) - They don't use gelatin or isinglass finings. All of their beer is vegan friendly. None of their beers contain lactose (site note: head brewer is lactose-intolerant).

From Michael's email:

Our beers are vegan. No animal products used. Ron and I are vegan as well so I'm not confused by the question. Thanks for asking.
