Beavertown Brewery has some vegan options

Address: Units 2, 17 and 18, Lockwood Industrial Park, Mill Mead Road, Tottenham Hale
London, N17 9QP
Phone: 02030 060794
Checked by: Bones
Double checked by: Emma, Sam, Emma, Marple, Mike
Added: over 12 years ago
Double Checked: almost 7 years ago

Products by Beavertown Brewery:

Mike notes (February 2018) that Heavy Water contains lactose.

Company email (April 2017):
"We don't use any isinglass or other products for filtration/clarity. The majority of our beers (all our core range) are vegan friendly. I believe once or twice we've used honey but otherwise we just use water, malt, yeast and hops and occasionally some citrus fruit for specials."

Company email (May 2015):
"Absolutely! I spoke to someone a while back who mentioned they were sorting it. Vegans! Assemble!"
"Every single last one! Most craft beer is as we tend to not use finings (fish product ) Thats the thing to look out for, especially in Real Ale."

Company email (September 2012):
"Wow I wish we were big enough for our beer to made under license, but for the moment we do it all on our 5 barrel plant here in hackney.
All the bottled & keykeg beers are suitable for vegans, the cask beers are not.
There is not honey in the beer unless it is our Ginger Honey ale"