Cheddar Ales is vegan friendly

Address: Winchester Farm, Draycott Road
Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3RP
Phone: 01934 744193
Checked by: Bones
Double checked by: Harry, Erik
Added: about 13 years ago
Double Checked: over 1 year ago

Products by Cheddar Ales:

Company email (May 2023)
"I can confirm all our ales are vegan, no finings used at all in our brewery and haven’t been for 3 years now. You are correct we used to use finings prior to Covid but have indeed changed our brewing processes."

Company email (August 2020)

"I can confirm that all of our “bottled” beers are produced using no animal products and as such can be classed as vegan and vegetarian. We don’t use any affiliated governing body for accreditation but can if necessary prove our product trails and ingredients involved in the process.

"As a result of our processes some of our “cask” beers are also able to be classed as vegan but not all of them. We still use isinglass finings in both Potholer and Gorge Best cask beers but nothing else."

Company email (November 2011):

"Sadly we do use isinglasss finings during the process so the beer isn’t suitable for vegans. We MAY at some point investigate the filtration methods we use that currently mean we need to use isinglass."