Namibia Breweries Limited is vegan friendly

Address: Iscor street
Northern Industrial Area Windhoek
Phone: +264-61-320-4999
Checked by: Drew
Double checked by: Jacob
Added: over 17 years ago
Double Checked: about 8 years ago

Products by Namibia Breweries Limited:

Company email (September 2016):
"Please note that both Windhoek and Tafel are both brewed strictly according to the German Purity Law Reinheitsgebot. The Reinheitsgebot method does not allow us to use any animal by-products in our brewing process.I therefore can assure you that both Windhoek and Tafel are Vegan friendly."

Company email (circa 2007):

To answer your questions below:
Namibia Breweries produces beer according to the German Purity Law which allows us to use only the following ingredients
1. Water (prepared among others with activated carbon and sand filters)
2. Malted Barley (as per Name and we even require checks on residues such as pesticides, GMO, Mycotoxins)
3. Hops (extracted with CO2 or Ethanol)
Even all our aid materials (e.g. Beer Filtration aids -> diatomous earth, SiO2 and PVPP) have to no link to any animal related origin
Thus for a vegan, I can only recommend our beers

For any further info, I'll be glad to assist

Top Brands :
* Windhoek Lager
* Tafel Lager
* Windhoek Light
* Windhoek Draught
* Hansa Draught
* Hansa Pilsener

Speciality Brands :
* Urbock
* Windhoek Special

Licensed Brands
* Heineken