W J King & Co has some vegan options

Address: 3-5 Jubilee Estate , Foundry Lane
Hosham, West Sussex, RH13 5UE
Phone: 01403 272102
Email: sales@kingbeer.co.uk
URL: www.kingbeer.co.uk
Checked by: Bones
Double checked by: Domi
Added: almost 14 years ago
Double Checked: over 13 years ago

Products by W J King & Co:

Company email (July 2014):
"I'm pleased to say our bottled beers are all vegan friendly as are most other brewers
But it's better to check!!
The heritage range is sent from the brewery to Holdens for bottling where it's conditioned chilled filtered and pasteurised in bottle before return to the brewery no animal or fish products used in this process
The Evolution range is sent to Staffordshire bottling where it is sterile filled again without any fish or animal products

Note from Bones:
"The head brewer Ian Burgess has just taken the time to personally telephone me (Wednesday 06 April 2011) and assure me that WJ King's bottled beers are indeed suitable for vegans as they are fined using carrageenan.
Ian is a most helpful chap and his enthusiasm for his beers had me almost salivating down the 'phone; In fact I am considering jumping in the car and driving straight down the the brewery!
They are a relatively new set-up (less than a year old) and still finding their feet, but Ian expressed an interest in getting their beers accredited by the Vegan Society (UK)."