Joseph Holt Ltd has some vegan options

Address: Derby Brewery, Empire Street
Cheetham, Manchester, M3 1JD
Checked by: Stefan
Double checked by: Ian, Emlyn, Joe, Company
Added: over 14 years ago
Double Checked: over 2 years ago

Products by Joseph Holt Ltd:

Company website: (July 2022) re: Trailblazer Stout
"Vegan friendly - Yes."

Via Facebook (, posted Feb 2020)

"*Did you know*... All of our lagers are vegan friendly. That's Crystal, Crystal Gold and Diamond premium lager.

"We can also say that the following keg beers are vegan friendly too: Black, Smooth, Northern Hop and Spin Doctor. Happy Days!"

Company email (circa 2011)
"I am sorry that all our beers are treated with isinglass finings prior to filtration. Tests at BRI Camden (The Brewing Industry research body) have proved conclusively that no isinglass remains in the final product but I guess this is no consolation to you. Humdinger also contains honey."

Company email (circa 2011)
"Sorry but all our beers use a small amount of Isinglass finings."