Willimantic Brewing Company has some vegan options

Address: 967 Main St.
Willimantic, CT, 06226
Phone: 860-423-6777
Fax: 860-450-0794
Email: wbc@willibrew.com
URL: http://www.willibrew.com/
Checked by: Cody
Double checked by: Nicole, Kevin M
Added: about 14 years ago
Double Checked: almost 14 years ago

Products by Willimantic Brewing Company:

Note from Kevin:
"Also their veggie burger is vegan and very good. I can vouch for it; I just went there :)"

Company Email: Dec 2010
"We do use honey in some beers, and once every few years lactose in a stout. 98% of our beers are vegan friendly and we always mention if we use any honey or lactose."

Company Email:June 2010
"We do not use any animal products in our beers however we use honey in our ASB and Anniversary Amber. We have in the past used lactose in a milk stout but we always list when we put those products in."