Mac & Jack's Brewery has some vegan options
Address: | 17825 NE 65th St. Redmond, WA, 98052 USA |
Phone: | (425) 558-9697 |
Fax: | |
Email: | |
URL: | |
Checked by: | Brian |
Double checked by: | Brad |
Added: | about 14 years ago |
Double Checked: | almost 12 years ago |
Products by Mac & Jack's Brewery:
Vegan Friendly
Not Vegan Friendly
Not Vegan Friendly
Not Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly
Not Vegan Friendly
Company email (February 2013):
"Our African Amber and Serengeti Wheat are our vegan friendly beers. No, we do do not manufacture anywhere else in the world."
Email from Brian:
"I couldn't find an email address on the Mac and Jacks website, so I called them. When I asked if their beer is vegan, the guy on the line first said, 'no', flatly. Then he asked me, 'what makes a beer vegan? I've never heard of a vegan beer.' So I explained that gelatin and isinglass are used to filter and clarify beer, and he said their beers are unfiltered and they also use no adjuncts, such as lactose. After our conversation he said, 'I guess our beers are vegan.'
However, since he didn't know what I was talking about, I think a double (or triple) check is in order."
Ed note: we send them a Facebook message.