Lolonis Winery is vegan friendly
Address: | Ukiah, CA USA |
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Checked by: | Darryl |
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Added: | almost 16 years ago |
Double Checked: | about 15 years ago |
Products by Lolonis Winery:
Vegan Friendly
Company Email:
"We do not use any animal or animal-based fining agents in our wines. We use diatomaceous earth or De when making our wines."
About Organic Grapes from website:
"While the essence of Lolonis wines - the fruit - is organic, you may notice the bottle is not labeled “organic wine.” This is no accident. In our experience, the organic winemaking methodology makes a wine that is unstable, and its quality is often suspect. Quality is the highest priority at Lolonis. We stake our well-earned reputation on it."