St-Germain is vegan friendly
Address: | Coral Gables, Florida USA |
Phone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | |
URL: | |
Checked by: | Kimberly |
Double checked by: | Melissa, Plant |
Added: | about 14 years ago |
Double Checked: | over 4 years ago |
Products by St-Germain:
Vegan Friendly
Company email (July 2020)
"As per your request, please be advised that ST. GERMAIN does not contain any animal-by products or ingredients."
Company email (circa 2011)
"We are delighted by your interest of St-Germain. St-Germain is in fact a vegan product and gluten free!"
Company email (circa 2011)
"St-Germain does not contain any of the ingredients you have mentioned in your email"