Ruffino Wines is Not Vegan Friendly

Address: P. Le Ruffino, 1
Pontassieve, Florence, 50065
Checked by: David
Double checked by: Abe, Marianne, Steven, Company
Added: about 13 years ago
Double Checked: about 1 month ago

Company email (January 2025)
"Our wine production and processing may involve the use of animal-derived products at various stages. This is due to the specific requirements of the wines and the natural variability of different vintages. We do not submit our products for any classification under the 'vegetarian' or 'vegan' title."

Company email (July 2023)
"We do not use any animal products as fining agents, and our Ruffino Wines are all vegan."

Company email (February 2019)
"Due to the agricultural nature of wines our wine compositions and ingredient additions will change as each vintage year presents us with different challenges that we have to adapt to. Generally, we do not use animal products in our wines, however, we do not submit our products for any classification under the 'vegetarian' or 'vegan' title."

Company email (May 2018)
"...One of our standard fining agents contains Micronized potassium casseinate [casein is milk protein], food grade gelatin, egg albumin and other food grade components."

Company email (December 2011):
"Unfortunately, speaking with our enologists, they confirm that our wines undergo vinification steps that are done also with animal derivates, mainly in filtration, and therefore are not vegan-friendly."