Central Coast Brewing is Vegan Friendly
Address: | 1422 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA, 93401 USA |
Phone: | (805) 783-2739 |
Fax: | |
Email: | george@centralcoastbrewing.com |
URL: | http://www.centralcoastbrew.com/ |
Checked by: | Steve |
Double checked by: | |
Added: | over 13 years ago |
Company email (September 2011):
"I think you will be pleased with the way CCB produces are beers. CCB uses only grain, water, yeast and hops in its beers. We do not filter or pasteurize. And we use a seaweed based "fining" that helps clarify the fermented beer before carbonation. The cooling water is reused to rinse and clean all the components. All of our spent grains are reused for livestock feed (not very vegan, but still not introduced into the landfills). We reuse and repropogate our yeast for up to 6 batches."