David Hill Wine is Unknown
by David Hill Winery | |
Address: | 46350 NW David Hill Road Forest Grove, OR, 97116 USA |
Phone: | 877-992-8545 (toll free) |
Fax: | |
Email: | davidhill.winery@verizon.net |
URL: | http://www.davidhillwinery.com/ |
Checked by: | Ryan |
Double checked by: | AngelA |
Added: | over 15 years ago |
Double Checked: | about 15 years ago |
Company Email:
"I sometimes use Gelatin. Depends on the wine, never in reds. I also use Bentonite and sometimes PVPP if there are bitter characters in the wine."
In conversation with winemaker:
"whites and reds vegan (indicated that they use bentonite)"