Orkney Island Life (bottles/keg) is Vegan Friendly

by Orkney Brewery
Address: Quoyloo, Stromness
Orkney Islands, KW16 3LT
Phone: 01856 841 777
Email: enquiries@orkneybrewery.co.uk
URL: https://www.orkneybrewery.co.uk/
Checked by: Andy
Double checked by: Craig, Owen, Jonathon, Rory
Added: over 4 years ago

From Rory (July 2021)
"Their bottled beers are vegan, their cask beers are not. They were unable to find vegan-friendly finings that they were happy with for their cask beer, so it will remain non-vegan for the foreseeable future, which is a shame. "

Company email (September 2020)

"Yes all our beers are vegan friendly... At the present we are running trials [on our cask ales] and hope to switch in the next week or so." [Leaving cask ales as unknown for now during the transition, 50 imaginary internet points to whoever follows up!]

Company email (November 2015):
"Thank you for your email enquiry regarding our Raven, Dragonhead and Dark Island ales. We use Isinglass finings in all our ales which is not considered suitable for vegetarians."

Company email (September 2012):
"I regret that isinglass is used in all our ales so they are not suitable for you. We did a trial on Raven Ale for bottles which was suitable for vegetarians and some of these bottles may still be available from some outlets but it will state it clearly on the label that it is vegetarian. If the label says nothing then it is not."

Company email (September 2011):
"The only beer we have that is OK is Raven Ale."

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