Arbor Mist Wines is Not Vegan Friendly

Address: 116 Buffalo Street
Canandaigua, New York, 14424
Phone: 866-396-7394
Checked by: Jean
Double checked by: Bree, Carter
Added: about 17 years ago
Double Checked: about 4 years ago

Company email (December 2020)

"Fining agents may be used in both red and white wines to optimize stability and clarity by removing unwanted particles. While all of our fining agents are approved by the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB, formerly the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms), they may contain trace amounts of allergens such as casein (milk protein), food grade gelatin, egg albumin and other food grade components such as shellfish."

Company email (circa 2008)

"One of our standard fining agents contains Micronized potassium caseinate [casein is milk protein], food grade gelatin, egg albumin and other food grade components."