Loud Shirt Beers (can/bottle/keg/cask) is Vegan Friendly

by Loud Shirt Brewing Co.
Address: Unit 5, Bell Tower Industrial Estate, Roedean Road
Brighton, BN2 5RU
Phone: (+44) 1273 087 077
Email: beer@loudshirtbeer.co.uk
URL: https://loudshirtbeer.co.uk/
Checked by: Neil
Double checked by: Company
Added: over 4 years ago
Double Checked: 10 months ago

Company email (March 2024)
"I also take pride in the fact every beer we produce is vegan, including our cask beer. Every beer at the taproom is vegan."

Company email (April 2020)
"All our beer is brewed by us in Brighton. It is all vegan apart from our cask beers which use a fish based fining. So all our cans, bottles and keg beers are 100% vegan."