Dry Mill Wines is Not Vegan Friendly

by Dry Mill Vineyards & Winery
Address: 18195 Dry Mill Rd
Leesburg, Virginia, 20175
Phone: (703) 737-3930
Email: info@drymillwine.com
URL: http://www.drymillwine.com/
Checked by: Colleen
Double checked by:
Added: over 5 years ago

Company email (October 2019)

"The use of animal products in our wines is usually wine specific, but the short answer is yes.

"Our white wines will typically have casein and sometimes isinglass added to them for clarification. Those wines are typically treated with bentonite (a clay that binds to negatively charged proteins), however there's no way for me to know if there is any residual animal proteins remaining in the wine.

"The reds will sometimes have gelatin or egg whites, but again, that's wine specific.

"I should also note, too, that there could be cross contamination between wines during the wine making and blending process; therefore if you have an allergy to animal proteins, then our wines may not be a good fit for you."