Disaster Bay Chilli Wine is Not Vegan Friendly

by Disaster Bay Chillies Pty Ltd
Address: PO Box 513
Eden, New South Wales, 2551
Phone: + 61 2 6496 4145
Email: info@disasterbaychillies.com
URL: http://www.disasterbaychillies.com/
Checked by: Ben
Double checked by:
Added: about 6 years ago

Company email (January 2019)

"We use gelatine as a settling agent although it would almost entirely be taken out in the settling and filtering process. All wines have suspended sediment and the trick is to find the agent that is oppositely charged but heavier than that suspended sediment so it attracts it, locks onto it and then settles to the bottom, so the clear wine at the top can be racked off. Unfortunately gelatine is the thing that works for our wine, so it is not vegan."