Bodegas Nivarius Wines is Vegan Friendly

by Bodegas Nivarius
Address: Camino Nalda Viguera 46
26190 Nalda, La Rioja
Phone: +34 941 44 72 07
Checked by: Indira
Double checked by: Indira
Added: over 8 years ago
Double Checked: almost 8 years ago

Company email (February 2017)
"Nuestro enólogo nos indica que algunos vinos no se clarifican, y los que si, como es el caso de algunos blancos, llevan únicamenta bentonita."

[Google translation: "Our winemaker tells us that some wines are not clarified, and those that, as is the case with some whites, carry only bentonite."]

Company email (September 2016)

"Neistro enólogo nos indicia que algunos vinos no se clarifican, y los que si, como es el caso de algunos blancos, llevan únicamente bentonita. "

[Google Translation: "Winemaker Neistro indicia us that some wines are not clarified , and if, as is the case of some white, carry only bentonite."