Champagne J. de Telmont is Vegan Friendly
Address: | 1 Avenue de Champagne 51480 Damery France |
Phone: | +33 (0)3 26 58 40 33 |
Fax: | +33 (0)3 26 58 63 93 |
Email: | |
URL: | |
Checked by: | Company |
Double checked by: | |
Added: | about 9 years ago |
Company email (January 2016)
"After double checking all the various steps of our production process, including products which we buy and use within entire process, we can certify that there is absolutely no use of any kind of animal products or even products which could come or have even at some stage, in contact with animals – therefore we can definitely claim that our range of wines of Champagne are vegan."