Draconis Wine is Vegan Friendly

by Draconis
Address: 35265 Willow Ave Storeroom A
Clarksburg, California, 95612
Email: http://draconisvineyards.com/#three
URL: http://draconisvineyards.com/
Checked by: Heidi
Double checked by: Jackie
Added: almost 11 years ago
Double Checked: over 8 years ago

Company email (June 2016):
"I'm the tasting room manager at Draconis. To answer your question, no animal products are used. We don't fine the wine, so no egg whites. So yes, the wine can be considered vegan."

Company email (February 2014):
"No, my wines are not racked, filtered, or fined (with egg whites). They are pure, from fermentation using yeast to barrel to bottle. They aren't even blended. They are dry (complete conversion of the grape sugar to ethanol) with no residual sugar left in the bottle.

They are not organic wines since sulfur is used to control microbial activity (unfiltered wine)."