Cerveza Veer is Vegan Friendly
Address: | Calle Campo Santo nº 6 40380 Seb Spain |
Phone: | 921 52 22 99 |
Fax: | |
Email: | cervezavegana@cervezaveer.com |
URL: | http://www.cervezaveer.com/ |
Checked by: | Noah |
Double checked by: | |
Added: | about 11 years ago |
From their website (http://www.cervezaveer.com/Vegana taken December 2013)
"Cerveza Veer es vegana porque no contiene ningún ingrediente de origen animal, la mayoría de las cervezas son veganas pero algunas utilizan gelatina para clarificar o miel. La gelatina puede ser extracto de la vejiga natatoria de un pez o colágeno puro obtenido de huesos y tendones de animales."
(Google Translate: "Veer beer is vegan because it contains no ingredients of animal origin, most beers are vegan but some use gelatin to clarify or honey. Gelatin can be extract from the swim bladder of a fish or pure collagen obtained from animal bones and sinews.")