Flametree Wine is Not Vegan Friendly

by Flametree Wines
Address: 7 Chain Avenue, Corner Caves Road
Dunsborough, WA, 6281
Phone: + 61 8 9756 8577
Fax: + 61 8 9756 8572
Email: info@flametreewines.com
URL: www.flametreewines.com
Checked by: Jenn
Double checked by: Danielle
Added: almost 12 years ago

Company email (February 2014):
"We use egg whites and milk throughout the winemaking process for fining purposes. Although such a small amount is used and it is removed prior to the bottling process."

Company email (April 2013):
"Egg whites and milk are used throughout the winemaking process for fining purposes. Although such a small amount is used and removed prior to the bottling process, it is not mandatory for these products to be stated on the label.
Please view the FAQ's listed on the Australian Wine Research Institute website for more information: http://www.awri.com.au/industry_support/wine_and_health/faqs/"