Dry Creek Vineyard is Vegan Friendly

Address: 3770 Lambert Bridge Rd, PO Box T
Healdsburg, CA, 95448
Phone: 800-864-9463
Fax: 707-433-5329
Email: dcv@drycreekvineyard.com
URL: www.drycreekvineyard.com
Checked by: Becca
Double checked by: Phalyn
Added: almost 12 years ago
Double Checked: about 9 years ago

Company email (January 2016):
"Our wines are completely vegan friendly. No animal products or bi-products are used as fining agents. Everything we make is produced and bottled on site…except for the kegs which are bottled by Free Flow Wines (but they don’t use any fining agents or additives)."

Company email (March 2013):
"I have reached out to our wine making team and they have the following response:

"The Fume Blanc is not made with any animal products and is solely produced here at DCV.""