Cape Classics Wines has some vegan options

Address: Cape Classics, 15 West 26th Street, 7th Floor
New York, New York, 10010
Phone: 212-686-1300
Fax: 212-686-1311
Checked by: Beverlee
Double checked by: Kristine, Helena, Madison, Nina
Added: about 14 years ago
Double Checked: almost 4 years ago

Products by Cape Classics Wines:

Company email (December 2020) re Jam Jar Sweet Shiraz

"We are happy to inform that our Sweet Shiraz 2020 is vegan! So it our 2019 as well."

Company email (April 2018) re Jam Jar Sweet Shiraz
"Unfortunately, we do use small amount of gelatin in the fining process, so it would not be strictly vegan"

Company email (October 2016) re: Indaba Wines
"Unfortunately Indaba’s wines for the current vintage are not vegan friendly, as egg whites and gelatin are used in the fining process."

Company email (April 2011):
"The challenge is that each winery crafts their wines differently, and their approach is also different for red/white wines, and can change vintage to vintage. So I am not sure we'd be able to give you current/consistent production detail for everything we import." (Ed note: So contact them about each specific wine you want to know about)

Company email (January 2011):
"I double checked with the winemaking team , and they confirmed that no animal products were used in producing Jam Jar - so yes, would be considered vegan friendly."

Company email (August 2010):
"Unfortunately, we do use gelatin in the fining process, so it would not be strictly vegan. The majority of our wines do use either that or egg whites; there is a chemical agent that can do a similar process, but some feel it's a more intrusive, manufactured method - not that it changes the origins, just sharing their perspective.